Hello Earthlings, thank you for your support. I'm grateful that you want to follow my adventures despite the challenges on Earth right now. This image shows how I saw Earth and the Moon in early March. So tiny. But it's already getting bigger :-) #staysafe #BepiColomboEarthFlyby pic.twitter.com/fUbZiKMCZV
— Bepi (@ESA_Bepi) March 31, 2020
— KAGAYA (@KAGAYA_11949) March 31, 2020
▶4/3-4夕暮 金星とすばるが近づいて見える
▶4/4-9 宵に宇宙ステーションが見える
▶4/8 満月
▶4/22 こと座流星群
▶4/26-27夕暮 月と金星が近づいて見える
(写真は以前のこと座流星群の流れ星) pic.twitter.com/KLisN58xKX